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List Editor

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You use the List Editor to build and edit lists. Lists can be assigned to numeric and text type properties in an iPropWiz configuration. Users can then select a value from the list in the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ).

The List Editor adjusts to the list type currently being edited. In the following illustration, a simple value/description text list is shown in the following image. Common controls for all list types are highlighted.



List Name / Description

The list name must be unique.  The description field is optional.


  Note: If you change the name of an existing list, all properties that use the original list lose the reference to the list.


List Availability

The icon indicates the availability of this list. The list can be Global   or available only in current configuration . List availability is set when you create the list in the List Manager and cannot be changed. You can change the list availability by copying the list to a new list and changing the availability of the new list.

Import from Excel

Import values from an Excel spreadsheet. See the Import List Data from Excel page for more information.


Use the table of contents below to navigate to information on creating and editing a specific type of list.


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