A Tree list is a hierarchical list of text values. Each first level category in the list can have any number and levels of sub-categories, and all category branches end in a list of values, with an optional description for each value. When a Multi-level Tree list is assigned to a property users are able to browse through the list and select any value node to assign as the property value.
You can sort the Value/Description nodes in the tree (within each category) by clicking the Value or Description column header. Click a second time to reverse the order.
Category Node |
The top level Categories node is not editable. All first level child nodes of the Categories node are also category nodes. You can create any number of first level category nodes. Each category node other than the top level Categories node can contain any number of sub-category nodes or value/description nodes, but not a mix of category and value/description nodes.
Value/Description Node |
You can add value/description child nodes to an empty category node at any level of the tree list. Once a category node has one child value/description node, the category node can only have additional value/description child nodes added. Child categories cannot be added.
Adding and editing sub-categories:
To add a single sub-categories to an empty category or category that has existing subcategories, select Add category from the context menu for the category node.
To edit the complete list of sub-categories under an existing category, select Edit category list from the context menu for the category node. You can quickly add multiple sub-categories using this method.
To edit the name of a sub-category, do one of the following:
Right-click the node, select Edit name from the context menu.
Double-click the node.
Adding and editing values:
To add a single value to an empty category or category that has existing values do one of the following:
Right-click the category node and select Add value from the context menu.
Right-click an existing value/description row under the category node and select Add value from the context menu.
To edit the complete list of values under an existing category:
Right-click the category node and select Edit value list from the context menu.
Right-click an existing value/description row under the category node and select Edit value list from the context menu.
To edit a value or description, edit the text in the appropriate cell.
Notes: You can use the Cut, Copy, and Paste context menu tools to move or copy values and categories. You can only select categories at the same level, and values within the same category for these operations.
You can delete selections with the Delete context menu tool, and undo the last deletion with Undo Delete. |
Drag and drop editing:
You can drag and drop category and value selections between valid locations in the tree. You are prevented from dropping selections in locations that would break the restrictions described above. Valid drop locations are indicated by an arrow indicating the drop location.
The following image outlines using drag and drop to move two value/description rows to a new category.
1.Select one or move category rows at the same level in the tree, or one or more value/description rows in the same category.
2.Drag one of the selected rows over the new node. IF the move is valid, the arrow indicates the new parent node.
3.Release the mouse button to complete the move.
Notes: You can drag and drop value/description rows within the same category, but the order is restored the next time you open the list in the list editor. Use sorting in the Value or Description columns to reorder the view of rows within a category.. When a Multi-level Tree list is assigned to a property, users can sort on the Value and Description columns, and use filtering to quickly find values in even large lists. Drag and drop can only be used to move rows. Use Copy and Paste to copy category or value/description rows. |
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