The List Manager provides tools to create, edit, and delete lists for text and numeric based properties. A list can then be associated with a one or more properties to provide users with a list of values when editing the property value in the iPropWiz Property Editor. If the configuration allows users to request list additions to simple text lists, you can approve or reject requests through the List Manager.
Access: Configuration Editor toolbar -
Tip: Click a column header to sort the grid on the column values. Click a second time to reverse the order. |
Lists |
Available lists in the configuration. The third column icon indicates the list type. The last column displays the availability of the list; global (checked), or local to the configuration (not checked).
New |
Create a new global or configuration specific list. See the New List section below for more information. |
Copy |
Create a copy of the selected list. See the Copy List section below for more information. |
Edit |
Edit the selected list. You can also double-click a list name to edit it. See the List Editor page for more information. |
Manage List Additions |
Approve or reject requested list additions. Requests are only generated if both Allow users to add to lists and Approval required for list additions are selected in the Property Editor List Options. See the Manage List Additions section below for more information. |
New List
When you create a new list, the New List dialog is displayed. You must enter a unique name for the list, and select the list type.
Toggle on Global to make the new list available to all iPropWiz configurations.
Select Text-Simple to create either a single or multiple selection list for text based properties.
If you select a Parameter based multi-property list, you must also enter the name of the parameter (case sensitive) that will drive the list values.
Copy List
When you copy an existing list, the New List dialog is displayed. You cannot change the list type, but you can change the availability of the list, either global or local to the configuration.
If you copy a Parameter based multi-property list, you can enter the name of the parameter (case sensitive) that will drive the list values.
Note: You can have multiple Parameter based multi-property lists that are driven by the same parameter, or each list can be driven by a different parameter. |
Manage List Additions
If one or more of your configurations require approval for list additions, you can accept any or all current requests through the Approve List Additions dialog. In the following image:
The *Global node is a parent node for all global lists. Each global list with outstanding requests, and those requests, are listed as child nodes.
The same hierarchy is shown for configuration specific lists with outstanding list addition requests.
Check a requested value to accept it for addition to the specified list.
Check a parent node to check all child nodes. Uncheck a parent node to uncheck all child nodes.
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