The Property Grid displays all properties in the active iPropWiz Property Set of the current iPropWiz configuration. The active iPropWiz Property Set is the set of properties that is associated with the selected document type. You edit settings and rules for each property in the grid. These settings determine how the property is displayed to the user when they are working with properties in the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ). Properties can be renamed by entering an Alias. The Alias value is the only property identification shown in the PE. Each property can be set up to have a user entered value in the PE, or be driven by a list selection, a property expression, or even extracted from another property value. When the user applies property values in the PE, the formatting of the property value assigned to the corresponding Inventor iProperty can be affected by settings you make here. These include capitalization and maximum number of characters in the property value. You also have complete control over which text based properties are included for spell checking in the PE.
The following table outlines the information in the Property Grid.
Active iPropWiz Property Set |
The iPropWiz Configuration Editor ( CE ) defaults to show the iPropWiz property set for the active Autodesk Inventor document. You can edit other property sets by selecting a different document type from the drop down list. |
Property order |
Default property ordering in the grid. See the Drag and Drop in Grids page for information on reordering properties. |
Data type |
The data type of the Autodesk Inventor iProperty. The icon indicates the data type of the property.
Property alias |
The property name displayed to the user in the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ). If the Alias does not match the Autodesk Inventor iProperty name, it is shown in bold text.
Required |
If checked, users are required to enter a value for this property. See the Prompt for required values options page for more information on working with required properties. In the iPropWiz Property Editor, required properties are indicated with a |
Maximum characters |
Applies to text data type properties only. Limits the number of characters that can be entered in the iPropWiz Property Editor for this property. A value of 0 means there is no limit on the number of characters that can be entered. |
Capitalize |
Applies to text data type properties only. This per property setting combines with the configuration level setting for capitalize values to determine if a property value is capitalized. See the Configuration Editor - Property Entry Options page for information on creating capitalization exception rules. |
List columns |
You use these columns to manages the application of a list to the property. See the Configuration Editor - Assign Lists page for more information on using lists. See the Configuration Editor - Manage Lists page for more information on creating and managing lists. |
Property Expression columns |
Applies to text data type properties only. See the Configuration Editor - Property Expressions page for more information. |
Spell check |
Applies to text data type properties only. Provides spell check control for individual properties. Each iPropWiz configuration also has a ON/OFF switch for spell checking. |
Notes: Click a column header to sort the grid on the column values. Some columns cannot be selected for sorting. Most column headers have a tool tip that outlines the column's data. Some selections are mutually exclusive for a property. For example, if the property is driven by a property expression, you cannot make the property a required property, or select a list for that property |
Working with the Property Grid
Changing the Active iPropWiz Property Set |
Each iPropWiz configuration supports a separate property set for each Inventor document type. These include:
To edit a property set for a different document type, select it from the iPropWiz Property Set List.
Copy Properties Between iPropWiz Property Sets |
To copy properties between property sets in the same configuration, use the Configuration Manager.
Remove Properties |
To remove properties from the active iPropWiz Property Set, select the row headers in the Property Grid, then click the remove button. Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple rows.
Reorder Properties |
You can change the default property order presented to the user in the Property Editor by using drap and drop to reorder the Property Grid rows. See the Drag and Drop in Grids page for more information.
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