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Configuration Editor - Assign Lists

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You can assign a list to numeric or text type properties in the iPropWiz Configuration Editor ( CE ) property grid. Depending on the list type associated with the property, a user may have to select a value from the list in the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ), or a value may be automatically assigned to the property from the list. You use the columns highlighted in the following illustration to manage the list applied to a property.




List name

 The name of the list to assign to the property. You assign a list by selecting from valid lists in the List cell drop-down. Lists preceded by an asterisk (*) are global lists. See the List Manager page for more information on creating and editing lists.




Tip: When a list is assigned to a property, you can quickly edit the list from the right-click context menu for the List cell..




List type

An icon indicates the type of list applied to the property.



List Type

A simple value/description list for text based properties. Allows single selection only.

A simple value/description list for text based properties. Allows for multiple selection of values.

A multi-property text list. You can assign values to multiple text based properties.

A multi-property list based on a parameter value. You can assign values to multiple text based properties.

A multi-property list based on a part's material.  You can assign values to multiple text based properties.

A multi-level tree list for text based properties.

A simple value/description list for numeric based properties.


List field name

iPropWiz supports a number of multi-property lists, where multiple properties can be assigned values (or sub lists) at the same time. If a Multi-property list is assigned to the property, the specific field column in the list that provides the value for the property is listed here. See the Assigning Multi-property Lists section below for more information.

From list only

Indicates whether the user must select values only from the those in the list (checked), or can select values from the list and enter other values (unchecked). Some list types limit users to selecting only from the list.




Assigning Multi-property Lists

You can assign three types of multi-property lists to text type properties. Each list contains a "primary" value list column and one or more secondary list columns. See the Multi-property Lists page for more information on creating and editing multi-property lists. The lists assign values to multiple properties in the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ) as follows:



Click the button to view a video that demonstrates how to assign multi-property lists to properties in the iPropWiz Configuration Editor.



List Type

Behavior of Primary List Value in iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE )

Behavior of Secondary List Values in iPropWiz Property Editor

Multi-property Text list

The list has a primary list column, and one or more secondary list columns. Both the primary list column and all secondary list columns are assigned to properties in the iPropWiz Configuration Editor Property Grid. In the PE, the user selects a value from the list for the property associated with the primary list column. This is always a "From List Only" selection.

Properties associated with secondary list columns in the list are automatically assigned the value from the same row in the Multi-property Text List. This may be fixed text value or a Simple Text or Tree list, from which the user can then select an appropriate value.



Multi-property Parameter list

Each row in the primary list column contains a numeric comparative statement that is evaluated with the current value of a named parameter. When the value of the parameter is modified in Autodesk Inventor iPropWiz evaluates all comparisons (rows in the list), in order. If the comparison returns TRUE, the comparisons stops and the row information is used to assign values to properties associated with the secondary list columns.

Multi-property Material list

Each row in the primary list column contains a material asset name. When the material of an Inventor part or sheet metal part is changed, iPropWiz searches the primary list values in order to find a match the current material. If a match is found, Inventor properties assigned to the secondary list columns are updated with the values from that list row.



You can only assign a multi-property list once within an iPropWiz Property Set. Multiple properties can be assigned values from the single use of the list.


To assign a multi-property list to properties, select a multi-property list from the drop-down in the List column.




On selection of the multi-property list, the Assign multi-property list dialog is displayed. You manage all property assignments in this dialog.



Primary assignment

Primary property assignment is only available for Multi-property Text lists. When you first assign a Multi-property Text list to a property, that property is listed as the "Primary Assignment". You can optionally select another property that will be assigned the value from the primary field list by selecting it from the drop-down. In the iPropWiz property editor, when the user selects a value from the primary list field for this property, all properties associated with the secondary list fields are assigned values from the same row in the list.


Multi-property Parameter lists, and Multi-property Material lists do not have an assignable primary value. The primary value for these list types is set by changes (Parameter or Material) in the Autodesk Inventor document.


Secondary field names

This column contains the names of all secondary list (fields) in the multi-property list. (read-only)


Property assignment

This column contains the property name (not the Alias) that is associated with the adjacent secondary list (field). You select the property from the drop-down list in the cell. In the iPropWiz Property Editor, the property will be assigned the value from the secondary list field in the same row as the assigned primary value



From list only

This check box sets the behavior in the iPropWiz Property Editor. If the secondary field list includes one or more references to a list which can be assigned to the associated property, a check box is displayed. The check box states are defined as follows:


  Unchecked: If the secondary list assigns a list to the property, the user can select from the list or enter another value.

  Checked: If the secondary list assigns a list to the property, the user can only select values from the list.



Notes:   To remove a property from the list assignment for a multi-property list, move the cursor over the Column cell in the iPropWiz Configuration Editor ( CE ). Click the Remove button shown in the cell.




For a Multi-property Text list, you must remove all secondary property assignments using the Remove button before you can remove the assignment of the primary list.



If a property is assigned a multi-property list, you cannot edit any of the list settings in the Configuration Editor. You must edit settings for all assigned properties in the Assign multi-property list dialog. To edit all properties assigned to the multi-property list, move the cursor over the Column cell in the CE. Click the Edit button shown in the cell.




For a multi-property text list, you can change the primary property assignment by selecting a different property in the Assign multi-property list dialog.








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