You control most options for the selected iPropWiz configuration from the General tab of the Options group.
Text Properties Options
This set of options deals with text type properties. All settings apply to text type properties in the selected iPropWiz configuration only.
Allow expression edit: A configuration level setting that allows or disallows users from entering property expressions for text type properties. This setting is combined with the allow expression edit setting for each text type property. Both the configuration and property level settings must be checked to allow the user to enter or edit a property expression for that property in the property editor.
Assign spell check to new properties: When a text type property to the property grid, this setting determines if the Spell Check option for the property is automatically checked.
Default maximum characters (0-999): When a new text type property is added to the property grid, the maximum number of characters for the property is assigned from this setting. A value of zero does not put a limit on the number of characters. Note that Autodesk Inventor imposes a limit of about 1000 characters for a text type property.
Property Entry Options
You can create and manage rules to control capitalization of property values, remind users to enter required values, and control file name to part number overrides. All settings in this group apply to the selected iPropWiz configuration only.
Capitalize values: Check this option to capitalize all text type property values in the active configuration. When checked, the Capitalization exceptions button is enabled.
Capitalization exceptions : Click this button to manage Capitalization Exception rules. See the Capitalization exceptions page for more information on creating capitalization exception rules.
Replace part number with file name: Check this option to force the part number to be overwritten with the file name. Check the User can override option to enable your users to override this setting in the iPropWiz Property Editor. If you set the option to overwrite the part number with the file name and do not allow user overrides, the part number property will always match the file name.
Disable Inventor iProperties dialog: Use with caution. Checking this will disable all access to the Autodesk Inventor iProperties dialog when this iPropWiz configuration is the active configuration.
Configuration Options
These general configuration options control what types of documents are accessible from the iPropWiz property editor, and whether part color overrides (Appearance Asset) are maintained during material assignment. All settings in this group apply to the selected iPropWiz configuration only.
Edit iPart child properties: When checked, users can edit property values for generated iPart members. iAssembly members are always available for property edit.
Retain color override: This setting is evaluated if a part (complete part, not face or feature) is assigned a color other than the one associated with the current part material. If this option is checked, the color override is maintained when the part material is changed in the iPropWiz property editor.
Edit properties in read-only documents: Check this option to allow users to edit properties in non-modifiable documents (typically library parts). This option should typically only be used to set up a configuration for administrators so they can manages properties in library files. When checked, the Require administrator password option is automatically checked. The password is the same password you use to access the iPropWiz Configuration Editor.
Note: It is highly recommended that you require the administrator password for any configuration that allows modification of properties in non-modifiable documents.
Property Editor List Options
These options enable you to control how users can manage list additions for text based properties. All types of list additions are limited to Simple Text lists only. All settings in this group apply to the selected iPropWiz configuration only. The three options available are mutually exclusive, you can only have one of the option in effect for the selected iPropWiz configuration.
User cannot affect lists: The user cannot add to lists, request list additions, or create private lists from the iPropWiz Property Editor.
User can add to configuration / global lists: The user can add to local ( configuration ) lists and global lists from the iPropWiz Property Editor. The property must be driven by a Simple Text and not marked as From List Only. If Approval required for list additions is checked, the requested addition is not immediately added to the list, the list additions must be approved by an administrator via the List Manager.
User can create private lists: This option allows each user to create and manage private lists for any text based properties. These lists are stored locally for each user and are not available to other users. If a property is assigned a list in the configuration, the private list values are ignored if the property is marked List Only. If the property is not List Only, the values from the configuration specified list and the private list (if any) are merged into a single list.
Note: See the List addition examples page tor more information on adding to Simple Text lists in the iPropWiz Property Editor.
Required Values Options
In a configuration you can specify that one or more properties be required to have a value entered in the iPropWiz Property Editor. These settings control prompts to users on filling in required properties that have not been assigned a value when the file is closed. Each document type can be controlled separately. You can also define the assembly size (maximum number of unique references) that will prompt the user for required property values. Any assembly with more than the indicated references will not be checked for missing required property values.
These settings only come into play when the document in the active Autodesk Inventor window is closed. For an assembly open in its own window, the prompt for required values will only occur when the assembly itself is closed, not for any of the referenced documents in the assembly. However the user will have the option to list all referenced documents in the assembly that have required properties that do not have a value.
See the iPropWiz Property Editor - Tools page for more information on working with required properties in the iPropWiz Property Editor.
Notes: It is highly recommended that you allow users to decline the option to stop the file from closing.
The iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ) has other techniques to encourage required values are entered. If one or more properties shown in the PE are required to have a value, and no value has been entered for at least one of these properties, the user must enter the missing values before any edits can be applied.
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