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Property Editor - Toolbar

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The iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ) toolbar has a number of productivity tools in addition to tools to manage the active iPropWiz configuration.


Note: Some toolbar buttons may not be available in all iPropWiz 7 versions.






Export values


Click to export property names and their current values to a private or shared location. An administrator password is required to save to a shared location.


 The following property conditions govern which properties/values are exported.


          Properties with blank values are not exported.

          The property value must be editable in the iPropWiz Property Editor.

          The value must be directly editable or be selected from a list


Import values


Import values from a previously exported file (see Export Values).


          You have access to any files you have previously saved, and any files saved  to the shared location by an administrator.

          The selected file is searched for properties with matching names and data types to the current property set.

          For viable matches, the current value is updated from the file


Model State management


New: version 7.23+: If the current iPropWiz configuration has model state property management activated and users are allowed to enable/disable this functionality, toggle this button to temporarily enable or disable model state property management.


Button Icon



Model state property management is activate. Two additional document selection modes are made available.

Model state property management is not active. The additional document selection modes are hidden. Property edits affect the document rather than individual model state documents.


Use file name for part number


The active iPropWiz configuration controls how the document file name and Part Number property interact. The configuration option either forces the file name to be used as the Part Number property value, or leaves the Part Number property editable so any value can be entered. A second option enables or disables the first setting to be overridden in the iPropWiz Property Editor. The toolbar button state and access are governed by the two iPropWiz configuration settings. The following table details the button appearance and availability. If a user can override the setting state, click the button to toggle the setting.


Button Icon


User can
override state

Part Number cell
is editable

 The file name is used for the Part Number property value.



 The file name is used for the Part Number property value.



 The file name is NOT used for the Part Number property value.



 The file name is NOT used for the Part Number property value.




Update drawing on model properties change


You can easily edit properties of referenced part and assembly models from within an Autodesk Inventor drawing. In addition, model properties are often shown in drawing parts lists, title blocks, and notes. This toggle switch controls the updating of these drawing entities when changes to model properties are applied in the PE:

Button Icon






The drawing is immediately updated when the changes are applied in the iPropWiz Property Editor. Note that this can take considerable time for complex drawings.




The drawing is not updated when the changes are applied. The changes will be visible when the drawing is updated for other reasons.



Part select toggle


When the active Autodesk Inventor document is an assembly or drawing, you can click this toggle button to quickly enable / disable Autodesk Inventor's Select Part Priority. Click the button to active Select Part Priority, click again to restore the default selection mode for the active document ( assembly or drawing ).


Active Document

Button Icon

Selection Setting




The default Select Component Priority selection mode is active in the assembly. You are limited to selecting first level parts and assemblies in the Autodesk Inventor graphics window.



Select Part Priority is active in the assembly.


 The default Select Edge Priority selection mode is active in the drawing.


  Select Part Priority is active in the drawing. As you move over a drawing view, parts are highlighted for selection.


Check files for required properties


This tool is available when the active edit document is a drawing or assembly. The tool checks all referenced documents in the drawing or assembly, and displays a list of all files that have one or more properties that require a value, but no value has been assigned.


The Files with missing required values are listed in a modeless dialog. You can leave the list on your screen as you work in Inventor or the PE to resolve the missing property values.



From the list, you can:

Select one or more files from the list.

Click the Refresh button  to update the list. The list in not automatically updated when you fill in the missing values in a file.

Click the Edit button  to load the selected documents in the PE.

Toggle update of extents on file save


The active iPropWiz configuration may include the export of model and flat pattern extents as custom iProperties. The calculation of these values can be time consuming for complex part models and large assemblies. The Property Editor Options dialog has setting to control the calculation of model extents when either a part or assembly document is saved. This toggle button enables you to quickly disable / enable the update of all model extents calculations when a file is saved. If you find the calculations are slowing file saves excessively, toggle the calculations off until you require an update.


Button Icon



The current settings for extents update on file save are used to determine if model extents are updated before saving a part or assembly file.

The current settings for extents update of file save are ignored. Extents are not updated when the part or assembly file is saved.


Note: This toggle works in conjunction with the "Update extents on art / assembly  file save" setting in the Property Editor Options dialog. If the save extents options are OFF, this setting has no effect. If the save options are ON, this toggle can override the settings to temporarily turn them OFF.


Document browser toggle


New - March 2021: Disable / Enable toggle for the document browser in the iPropWiz property editor. For very large assembly or drawing documents, disabling the document browser will improve iPropWiz performance when switching documents. Selection in the Inventor graphics window and browser are not affected by this setting. You can toggle the document browser state at any time. The document browser is updated immediately when the toggle state is changed.


Button Icon



ON - Document browser lists all referenced documents in the active Inventor document. You can make selections in the document browser, from the Quick select list above the document browser, or in the Autodesk Inventor graphics window or browser.

OFF - Document browser is disabled. Select components in the Autodesk Inventor graphics window or browser.


Property editor options


Click to open the iPropWiz Property Editor Options dialog. See the Property Editor Options page for more information.


Instance  properties


New: version 7.22+: Click to open the Instance properties editor. Valid in assemblies only. All documents in the assembly must be updated to Inventor 2022 or later format.


Property editor state


Click the button to toggle the state of the iPropWiz Property Editor.


Button Icon

PE State




The iPropWiz Property Editor updates as you change documents or selected entities in Autodesk Inventor.


Updates to the iPropWiz Property Editor are ignored when you change documents or selected entities in Autodesk Inventor.


Tip: Disabling the PE can improve Autodesk Inventor performance, especially in large assemblies or drawings. Toggle the PE on again when you are ready to enter property values.



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