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Property Grid - Editing Simple Text Lists

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Under certain configuration settings, users can have limited access to some list management tools from the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ).

User access to list management only applies to simple value/description lists for text properties.

The configuration must allow the user to either add items to the list, request list additions, or create private lists.




The active property in the property editor grid must be a text property that is editable and has no list assigned to it, or has a simple value/description list assigned and the user is not restricted to selecting values only from the list.


Click the button to view a video that demonstrates adding list items from the iPropWiz Property Editor.



If the above condition are met the PE value cell context menu will show the allowable actions. The following table outlines the actions available.


Configuration Setting

Context Menu Item(s)






The value entered is immediately added to the associated Simple text list. The list is saved.





The value entered saved to a separate file for approval. The value is not added to the list until the addition is approved by an iPropWiz administrator. See the Managing Lists - Manage List Additions section for information on approving list additions.





Add to private list: If the list does not currently contain this value, click this to add the value to the list.

Edit private list: Open the List Editor to make changes to the list. You can add and remove values from the list in the List Editor.

Remove from private list: If the value matches one in the private list, click this to remove the value from the list.


Private List Notes:

A private list is associated with the property in the active row of the property grid.

Private lists supplement the list associated with the property in the iPropWiz Configuration editor. A private list is only considered if the property has a Simple text list assigned.

If you have created one or more items in the private list for a property, these values are merged with the configuration assigned list.

If the property is restricted to values from the configuration list, the private list values are not shown.

Private lists are saved separately from any list it may be merged with. The private list values are visible only to the user who created the list.



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