The majority of Autodesk Inventor's iProperties are text based. iPropWiz provides a number of tools to improve working with text type properties. These tools include:
An easy to use grid interface that presents an administrator defined set of properties. You can quickly get to a specific property and enter a value.
The ability to select a value from a list. iPropWiz provides multiple list types that can be used with text based properties. See the Property Grid - Property lists page for more information on using lists with text properties.
A Property Expression Editor that simplifies the creation of property expressions. Property expressions are an Autodesk Inventor feature that enables a text based property to use other text based properties to drive its value. See the Property Editor - Property expressions page for more information on working with property expressions.
Tools to identify how a property participates in a property expression.
A Property Extraction tool that enables a text based property to obtain its value by extracting part of the value of another text based property. See the Configuration Editor - Property Extraction page for more information.
Automatic generation of property values using multi-property lists. A single primary value assignment can drive the value of multiple secondary properties. See the Property Grid - Property lists page for more information on multi-property lists.
A rich text editor for the Autodesk Inventor Comments property. You can use tabs to format text lines in the property value. See the Property Grid - Comments section below for more information.
A text property can be defined as requiring a value. These properties are easy to identify and must be assigned a value before any property value changes can be applied.
Property Grid - Entering Text Values
In the property grid when you enter the value cell for an unlocked text based property that is not controlled by a list, property expression, or property extraction, you are automatically placed in text entry mode. The current value, if any, is highlighted for replacement. You can use the left and right arrow keys, and the Home and End keys to place your cursor in the text string. You can also use the mouse to place the cursor in the text string.
Use the right-click context menu to insert a diameter n , plus-minus ±, or degree ° symbol in the text string.
You can use the standard Windows shortcuts to cut, copy, and paste text in the value cell.
See the Property Grid - Value editing page for more information on editing values in the property grid.
Property Grid - Selecting Text Values from a List
See the Property Grid - Property lists page for information on working with text properties associated with a list.
Property Grid - Part Number Property
The Autodesk Inventor Part Number iProperty is a text base property but it has some different functionality than other iProperties. iPropWiz treats the Part Number as an enhanced text property that has some additional controls. The active iPropWiz configuration can specify whether the Part Number property value is automatically assigned from the document file name. In addition, the configuration can allow or prevent users from overriding this setting.
If the active iPropWiz configuration enables user override of the setting, you can toggle the Replace part number with file name setting with a button on the iPropWiz Property Editor toolbar. See the Property Editor - Toolbar page for more information on tools in the PE.
Property Grid - Comments Property
If the Autodesk Inventor Comments iProperty is included in a property set, you enter text in a enhanced text editor drop down that is activated when you enter the value cell. The editor recognizes tabs and line breaks and maintains them in the iProperty between edits.
Notes: Use the Ctrl+Enter key combination to complete editing in the enhanced text editor. You can copy and paste multiple lines of text into the drop down editor. The context menu for the control includes Copy, Paste, and insertion of common characters similar to the standard text editor. |
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