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Instance Properties - Number Value Generators

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A number value generator generates a prescribed set of double precision values that can be applied to number type instance properties. This enables each occurrence in an assembly to have a unique numeric value applied to the same property.


Number value generators are very easy to define as the number of inputs is limited. Autodesk Inventor always shows number type properties without trailing zeros so formatting the values is not possible. You can us a text value generator to create formatted numeric values.



Manage Generators

You can create a new generator, edit the selected generator, or delete the selected generators with these tools.


Available Generators

All available number generators are summarized in the grid. Select a row and click the Edit button to make changes to the Value Generator. The name of a generator cannot be changed after it is first saved.


Start Number

The minimum value assigned by the generator. You can enter a decimal value and control the rounding of this and subsequent generated values by the Max Decimals setting.


Increment By

Enter a integer or decimal value to increment the generated value by. This value must be a positive value but can be a value < 1.0. (e.g., 0.01)


Maximum number of decimal places

Enter the maximum number of decimal places that can be assigned. In effect, this rounds the value, if needed,  to nearest value with this number of decimal places). This setting has no effect on values that require less decimal places to display. Autodesk Inventor always removes trailing zeros from number type property values.





 Whole numbers 



 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

 Decimal values



 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, ...



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