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Configuration Editor - Options - iLogic Rules

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iPropWiz 7 introduces the ability to run any number of iLogic rules immediately after iPropWiz completes the updates on Autodesk Inventor properties (By clicking Apply or OK in the iPropWiz Property Editor).


You mange all aspects of this process in this options tab. The process to add iLogic rules to an iPropWiz configuration is outlined in the following table.





Author the iLogic rules you want to run at the completion of the iPropWiz property update.


You can use both internal (local to the document where the iLogic rule is stored), and external (stored separate from Inventor documents) rules.

External rules are more likely to be useful since managing the same iLogic rule in multiple documents can be cumbersome.




In the iPropWiz Configuration Editor, click the iLogic Rules tab in the Options group. Add the iLogic rules to run in the iLogic rules grid. See the Adding iLogic Rules section below for more information on creating and managing iLogic rules.


Any number of iLogic rules can be added. After iPropWiz updates Inventor property values, the included rules are evaluated in the order they are shown in the list (see the Order ( # ) column ).

If the rule is validated to run based on selected documents in the iPropWiz Property Editor and the settings for that rule, the iLogic rule is run prior to the next iLogic rule being validated.




Note: Any number of rules can be added to the configuration.



  Note:  Extensive error handling is built into the implementation of this functionality to prevent iPropWiz from crashing. Since the iLogic rules are of the customer's making we are not responsible for anything that happens as a result of running any iLogic rule. Test this functionality rigorously before deploying it to your users.



Click the button to view a video on adding iLogic rules to an iPropWiz configuration.






Add Rule

Click to add a new iLogic rule to be run after each iPropWiz update of Autodesk Inventor iProperties.

Delete Selected Rule(s)

Click to remove the selected rules from this configuration. This does not delete the actual iLogic rules, just the reference to them in the iPropWiz configuration.

Rule Name

Enter the exact name of the iLogic rule. The rule can be either a local or external iLogic rule.

Rule Type

Unchecked = only internal rules are searched (in each document) for the named rule.

Checked = only external rules are searched.

Active Document Only

Unchecked = All currently selected documents in iPropWiz are eligible to run this rule, providing the document type is included in the Document Type Selection.

Checked = Only the active document (i.e. the open Assembly or Drawing) is eligible to run this rule, again provided it is included in the Document Type Selection.

Document Type Selection

Select the type of documents that the rule is applied to.



Tip: The iLogic rules are run in the order they appear in the grid when the grid is sorted on the Order ( # ) column. You can reorder the rows in the grid using a common drag and drop operation.. See the Drag and Drop in Grids page for information on reordering rows in the iLogic Rules grid..






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