After an iPropWiz administrator has created and saved an iPropWiz configuration, you can quickly load the configuration in the iPropWiz Property Editor and efficiently manage your iProperties in all Autodesk Inventor documents.
The following table outlines how to get started using the iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ).
1. |
Wait to here from you iPropWiz administrator. They will notify you with the location of the iPropWiz configurations folder and if they have created multiple iPropWiz configurations, the name of the configuration to activate. You will need this information in order to open the PE for the first time.
2. |
Open Autodesk Inventor. Open a document that requires property values to be entered. Most property entry is performed in part, sheet metal, and assembly documents, but properties in any Autodesk Inventor document can be managed by iPropWiz. |
3. |
On the Autodesk Inventor Ribbon > Add Ins tab > iPropWiz panel, click iPropWiz
4. |
You are prompted to browse for the folder containing the iPropWiz configurations. Select the folder sent to you by the iPropWiz administrator and click OK.
5. |
The iPropWiz Property Editor ( PE ) opens. You are prompted to select an iPropWiz configuration from the configurations drop down list. Select a configuration from the list.
6. |
The property grid fills with the configuration defined properties for the document type you opened. The Value cell in the first row of the grid is highlighted. In the following example, this property is not editable so the text appears dimmed.
7. |
Some of the Value column cells have drop-down arrows. This is typically associated with a list that you can select from tor the property value. See the Property Grid - Property lists page for more information on working with lists in the PE.
8. |
The PE toolbar provides a number of productivity tools and access to options for the PE. See the Property Editor - Toolbar page for more information.
9. |
Open an Autodesk Inventor assembly document. The PE updates to reflect the configuration defined properties for assembly documents, and the associated iProperty values from the assembly document are shown in the grid.
10. |
After making changes to one or more property values, click Apply to apply the changes to the associated Autodesk Inventor iProperties in all selected documents. |
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