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License Tools

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The new licensing model for Autodesk Inventor 2025 add-in has enabled a new stand alone application you can use to track information on license use.




Although the License Tools application is a stand alone application, you can only start it from the iPropWiz Configuration Editor. Select the License tools option from the Tools drop-down.





Note: Once the License Tools application is running, you are no longer required to have Autodesk Inventor open. You can start a tracking session and then close Inventor.




License Tools


The License Tools application user interface is detailed below. Your current license information is displayed at the top of the dialog and setup for license count tracking occupies the bottom section of the dialog.





License Information


Basic information about your iPropWiz7 license is displayed here, including license holder name, current maintenance expiry date, maximum number of concurrent users, and number of current users that have acquired a floating license.


Refresh licenses in use


Click to refresh the current number of users that have acquired a floating license.


List current floating licenses


Click to show a list of users that have acquired a floating license. Information on each user is formated as <IPV4 address> - <Machine name>  e.g - Eng067



Note: The IP address is the router level address of the network. Most users will share this value but external users will typically show a different IP address.



License count tracking


You can setup and start a tracking session for the number of users that have acquired a floating license.


1.Select a folder to store the iPropWizLicTrack.csv file

2.Set the record interval  [ 1-60 ] minutes.

3.Click Start.


The tracking session remains active until you either click Stop, or close the License Tools application. Open the csv file in Excel for analysis.







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