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Instance Properties - Property Tools

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The property tools cell in each instance property column provides a set of tools to apply values to selected (checked) occurrences. It is important to note that only unlocked. checked occurrences will be affected when the tool is applied. When you apply a tool, cell values are updated. You must click Apply or OK to apply the cell values to the instance properties in the Autodesk Inventor occurrences.


Each property type displays an appropriate set of tools. A context menu for the column displays additional tools for the property.


Text Type Property Tools


Text type instance properties can optionally included either a value generator or a property expression.



Lock / Unlock current values

All property tool cells include a glyph that indicates the status of cells where the occurrence includes the instance property and, for a text type instance property, the value is not empty. You change the status by clicking the lock glyph in the tools cell. Locking the column protects the existing property values when you apply a tool.


Unlocked (Default) - All cells are unlocked. Applied tools will overwrite the values in checked occurrence cells. All individual occurrence cells can be edited.

Locked - Cells for occurrences that contain the instance property and the property value is not blank are locked. Tools will not affect these cells and manual editing is disabled.


Custom text

You can enter a custom value to apply to selected occurrences. Click the Apply Entered Value tool (  ) to copy the value to the cells for all checked occurrences.


Tool buttons

Text properties may have the following tools in the property tools cell. Clicking the tool results in the following action on cells for checked occurrences.


Apply entered custom text value. (Always included)

Apply the custom text value generator associated with this instance property definition. (Only if a value generator is specified)

Apply the instance property expression associated with this instance property definition. (Only if an instance property expression is specified)

If an instance property is controlled by an expression you cannot enter other values.


Context menus

Right-click in any column cell to display a context menu. Additional tools are available depending on the setup of the instance property definition.


Property definition has no value generator or expression assigned.



The Lock / Unlock current values tool will display the opposite of the  current lock state. Click to apply the shown condition.

Click the Apply default tool to apply the default value specified in the property definition to cells of checked occurrences. This is often set to an empty string for a text type property.

Click the Apply entered value tool to copy the entered text to the cells of checked occurrences.


Property definition has a value generator assigned.



Click the Apply value generator tool to apply unique incremented values to the cells of checked occurrences.

The Reset value generator and Edit value generator tools are available only if enabled in the instance property definition. See the Managing Value Generators page for more information.


Property definition has a instance property expression assigned.



Click the Apply default expression to copy the instance property expression to the cells of checked occurrences.






Number Type Property Tools


Number type properties can optionally include a value generator.



Lock / Unlock current values

All property tool cells include a glyph that indicates the status of cells where the occurrence already includes the instance property. You change the status by clicking the lock glyph in the tools cell. Locking the column protects the existing property values when you apply a tool.


Unlocked (Default) - All cells are unlocked. Applied tools will overwrite the values in checked occurrence cells. All individual occurrence cells can be edited.

Locked - Cells for occurrences that contain the instance property are locked. Tools will not affect these cells and manual editing is disabled.


Tool buttons

Number type properties may have the following tools in the property tools cell. Clicking the tool results in the following action on cells for checked occurrences.


Apply entered custom numeric value. (Always included)

Apply the custom number value generator associated with this instance property definition. (Only if a value generator is specified)


Context menu

Right-click in any column cell to display a context menu. Additional tools are available depending on the setup of the instance property definition.


Property definition has no value generator assigned.



The Lock / Unlock current values tool will display the opposite of the  current lock state. Click to apply the shown condition.

Click the Apply default tool to apply the default value specified in the property definition to cells of checked occurrences. This is often set to zero (0) for a number type property.

Click the Apply entered value tool to copy the entered numeric value to the cells of checked occurrences.


Property definition has a vallue generator assigned.



Click the Apply value generator tool to apply unique incremented numeric values to the cells of checked occurrences.

The Reset value generator and Edit value generator tools are available only if enabled in the instance property definition. See the Managing Value Generators page for more information.






Date Type Property Tools


Date type properties can be assigned to multiple occurrences from the property tools cell.



Lock / Unlock current values

All property tool cells include a glyph that indicates the status of cells where the occurrence already includes the instance property. You change the status by clicking the lock glyph in the tools cell. Locking the column protects the existing property values when you apply a tool.


Unlocked (Default) - All cells are unlocked. Applied tools will overwrite the values in checked occurrence cells. All individual occurrence cells can be edited.

Locked - Cells for occurrences that contain the instance property are locked. Tools will not affect these cells, and manual editing is disabled.


Custom value

You can select a date value from the drop-down calendar to apply to selected occurrences. Click the Apply Entered Value tool (  ) to copy the date to the cells for all checked occurrences.


Tool buttons

Date type properties have the following tool in the property tools cell. Clicking the tool results in the following action on cells for checked occurrences.


Apply entered custom date value. (Always included)


Context menu

Right-click in any column cell to display a context menu. The single context menu is outlined below.



The Lock / Unlock current values tool will display the opposite of the  current lock state. Click to apply the shown condition.

Click the Apply default tool to apply the default date specified in the property definition to cells of checked occurrences. This is often set to today's date for a date type property.

Click the Apply entered value tool to copy the entered date value to the cells of checked occurrences.

Click the Apply today's date tool to set the cell values for all checked occurrences to today's date.

Click Check all dates to check the in-use check box for all dates in the column.

Click Clear all dates to uncheck the in-use check box for all dates in the column.





Yes/No Type Property Tools


Yes / No type properties can be assigned to multiple occurrences from the property tools cell.



Lock / Unlock current values

All property tool cells include a glyph that indicates the status of cells where the occurrence already includes the instance property. You change the status by clicking the lock glyph in the tools cell. Locking the column protects the existing property values when you apply a tool.


Unlocked (Default) - All cells are unlocked. Applied tools will overwrite the values in checked occurrence cells. All individual occurrence cells can be edited.

Locked - Cells for occurrences that contain the instance property are locked. Tools will not affect these cells, and manual editing is disabled.


Tool buttons

Yes / No type properties have the following tools in the property tools cell. Clicking the tool results in the following action on cells for checked occurrences.


Apply Yes to the cells for all checked occurrences.

Apply No to the cells for all checked occurrences.


Context menu

Right-click in any column cell to display a context menu. The single context menu is outlined below.



The Lock / Unlock current values tool will display the opposite of the current lock state. Click to apply the shown condition.

Click the Apply default tool to apply the default Yes or No value to the cells of checked occurrences.







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