An iPropWiz configuration contains a set of properties for each Inventor document type. You add the properties you want your users to see, and
optionally provide a property name alias, add a list, property expression or property extraction rule to each property make it easy to enter a valid value.
If you mark a property as required, iPropWiz provides a number of tools to help ensure a value is entered. The grid provides detailed feedback
on the state, rules, and settings for each property.

Configuration behavior is customized in the tabbed Options area of the Configuration editor. You set configuration specific options for capitalizing
property values, allowing users to edit property expressions, prompting for required values, spell checking, and other rules that determine how users interact with
properties in the Property Editor. You can also define iLogic rule triggers that activate each time a user updates property values from the iPropWiz Property Editor.

Each configuration has rules to control the export and formatting of physical properties such as model extents or mass.
Exported physical properties can be conditionally formatted, depending on their current value. Part model extents can be reported with respect to
the model's coordinate system, its principal axes, or a user defined coordinate system (UCS). In Inventor 2021 a minimum bounding box extents option
is included to provide accurate extents information for parts created using top-down modeling methods such as multi solid body modeling.
A variety of sheet metal flat pattern properties can also be exported, including extents and 'through cut' loop lengths. A separate set of ordered
extent values can optionally be expported.