iPropWiz 7
    iPropWiz 7 is the ultimate iProperty management tool for Autodesk® Inventor® 2019-2025. Purchase Now!

Highlights include:

  • Built specifically for engineering teams but also supports single users.
  • Simple yet flexible license options, including floating licenses.
  • An iPropWiz administrator can create different configurations of properties for different projects or customers.
  • iPropWiz users see only the iProperties you include in the configuration, in a single grid. No more searching through the Inventor tabbed iProperties dialog.
  • Optionally rename iProperties to more useful names.
  • Provide users with a variety of list types for setting property values.
  • Special list types enable you to drive property values based on part material, or the value of a model parameter.
  • Allow users to select multiple values from a list.
  • Tree based lists include a search tool.
  • Easily create property expressions, or extract text from another property value.
  • Export and format physical property values, including model extents relative to a user defined coordinate system.
  • The modeless Property Editor available while you work in Inventor. Easy keyboard navigation through the available properties increases productivity.
  • Flexible tools to ensure required property values are entered.
  • Updated UI supports high DPI monitors and text scaling.
  • Spell checking for both setup and property entry tasks. This can be controlled on a property by property basis.
  • Customize what happens after iPropWiz updates property values with configuration controlled iLogic rules.
  • iPropWiz 7.21+: Use the new Minimum Bounding Box option to ensure accurate information on parts not aligned to the coordinate system.
  • iPropWiz 7.23+: Manage instance iProperties for assembly components.
  • iPropWiz 7.23+: Efficiently manage model state properties in part and assembly documents.
  • iPropWiz 7.25+: New administrator tools to track and manage license use.
  • Semi-automated add-in updates, no user interaction required.
  • Greatly improved context sensitive web based help system. A local help file can be downloaded to replace the online version.
  • Support for Autodesk Inventor 2019-2025. See below for more details.

Using iPropWiz


Getting up and running with iPropWiz is a two step process. You first create one or more iPropWiz configurations in the Configuration Editor. In a configuration, you define which Inventor iProperties are to be shown to the user for each Inventor document type. The configuration also specifies the rules and tools available for each property. You can provide an alias for any property name, define a property expression or property extraction rule for text based properties, and provide flexible lookup lists for property values.

Users then select an iPropWiz configuration and use the Property Editor to manage property values. Along with property values, physical properties can be displayed, edited, and saved as formtted custom iProperties. The Property Editor is a non-blocking window so property values are always available for your currently selected document(s) in Autodesk Inventor.

Configuration EditorProperty EditorLists

An iPropWiz configuration contains a set of properties for each Inventor document type. You add the properties you want your users to see, and optionally provide a property name alias, add a list, property expression or property extraction rule to each property make it easy to enter a valid value. If you mark a property as required, iPropWiz provides a number of tools to help ensure a value is entered. The grid provides detailed feedback on the state, rules, and settings for each property.
 Physical Properties

Explore the iPropWiz 7 Help System

Click any of the following links to explore the detailed help available for iPropWiz 7. When using iPropWiz, press the F1 key to get detailed help on your current task.

  iPropWiz 7 frequently asked questions
  What's new in iPropWiz 7
  The iPropWiz Configuration Editor
  The iPropWiz Property Editor

Download / Purchase iPropWiz 7

When you install iPropWiz 7 you can try the software for 30 days. The trial license provides full iPropWiz functionality.    

To enable the iPropWiz add-in, you must download the full installation build and run the msi installer included in the zip file. The "dll-only" downloads are for updating a currently installed version of iPropWiz 7.

An iPropWiz 7 version is closely tied to a specific Autodesk Inventor version and different iPropWiz 7 versions can coexist on your computer. You can install as many iPropWiz 7 versions as required. On Autodesk Inventor startup, the correct iPropWiz 7 version is automaticaly loaded. The following table outlines the different iPropWiz 7 versions and the installation folder for each.

iPropWiz VersionInventor VersionsLocation
7.192019-2020C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.19\
7.212021C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.21\
7.222022C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.22\
7.232023C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.23\
7.242024C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.24\
7.252025C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\C-Cubed\iPropWiz7\iPropWiz7.25\

Information on licensing and activation of C-Cubed add-ins.

For a history of iPropWiz 7 builds, see the iPropWiz 7 change log.
Click to review iPropWiz 7 pricing and instructions on ordering upgrades and new purchases.
   Select Autodesk Inventor version:   

Note: You must use the FULL iPropWiz installer after installing Autodesk Inventor. Updates can only be applied after a full installation.

DownloadWorks with Autodesk InventorDescriptionBuild VersionMD5 Checksum
2025Full installation7.25.1.243bdfc817e2a8307de1d34793c8a9c9d9d
2025Dll only update
  (How to install updates)
    Note: iPropWiz 7.25 has a new licensing model. The full installation comes with a 30 day trial license. You can find information on obtaining a full license at Inventor 2025 Add-in Licensing.

    Note: If you downloaded the build, please uninstall iPropWiz and reinstall with this build.

    Note: If you downloaded the build, you do not need to reinstall iPropWiz7 with this build. No update is required.
  iPropWiz 7 Support File Downloads ( Optional - For Administrators )
2019 - 2025Local help file
  (How to install local help)
Jan 03, 2025
  iPropWiz 7 Dictionaries ( Optional - For Administrators )      (How to install dictionaries)
   Select Language:   
2019 - 2025 Czech
  iPropWiz 7 Language Packs ( Optional - For Administrators )
None available
  (How to install language packs)
