You use the Plot Stamp Editor to create and manage
plot stamps. A plot stamp contains one or more fields. You can add standard
fields such as
Log-In Name or
Plot Date & Time (formatted), and custom fields from both
drawing and model property values.
The editor provides precise WYSIWYG control of the plot stamp location and orientation relative to the sheet edge or border, complete control of text style,
field order and formatting, and provides a preview of the stamp using the active drawing. Hover over the controls in the above image to identify their funtion.

You use the Plot Stamp Manager to create and manage
plot stamp sets. A plot stamp set
contains one or more plot stamps. Users sprecify an active plot stamp set to determine the information
added to each printed sheet. Plot stamps and plot stamp sets are stored in a shared network folder to provide
access for all of your users.

Optionally, you can set up plot logging for all or some of your users. As an administrator you can specify the degree of control users
have in generating plot log information, from locking it down completely to allowing users to specify log location or to opt out of plot logging.
Plot logs are written as CSV files for easy import into a spread sheet or database.