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iPropWiz 7.25 ( Inventor 2025 )

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Autodesk Inventor 2025 Specific enhancements.


The initial release of iPropWiz  for Autodesk Inventor 2025 has the same functionality as the iPropWiz version for Inventor 2024. A new licensing model is used for this version which requires existing customers to obtain a different license for this and later versions. iPropWiz 7.24 and older versions are not affected by this change in licensing. As with previous versions, all licenses are included in your maintenance. See the Inventor 2025 Add-in licensing page on the C-Cubed website for information on activating a new license for iPropWiz 7.25.


The new licenses are managed by a web based floating license server. This means that you can install and activate iPropWiz 7.25 on any machine that may need access to the add-in. The license server manages the maximum number of concurrent users.



License Management Tool


The new licensing model enables enhanced monitoring and license tracking for your iPropWiz administrator. See the License Tools page for more details.




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